Art, Artists and ArtFlute. At Linger.

We have often been told that our interiors are pretty spartan and basic – and that it’s both a good and a bad thing. Truth be told, we have been so focused on the pretty context that nature always provides at the lovely places we try and find, and ensuring our guests get to experience the same close-up, that we honestly forget to pay attention to the rooms beyond basic creature comforts and local architecture.

But now we have decided to do something about it. Of course, in the usual Linger way, we decided to not go to stores, pick up commercially available stuff and nail it on to the walls. We thought it’d be best if the art was born at these places. Like the pretty sketch below from Poornima:



We wanted artists to spend time at the place, and their work inspired what they see, feel and experience out there – the pretty surroundings, nature at work, the ethos, occupations and people of the place.


ArtFlute Experience is helping us in this effort to liaise with artists who want to create paintings, sketches at Linger and even help us add touches to the place that only an artist can. Limited numbers of amazingly faithful reprints of he Art-From-Linger will also be available at their site, and the work will of course grace our walls.

Poornima is also our first artist-in-residence over the next week at Chettimani, Coorg. If you’re there between the 23rd-27th, she will be happy to do a short introductory session on art for you as well.

We are so looking forward to this!

The Kind of Payment That Lifts Your Spirits

We were having a pretty crappy day at work – catching up with account sheets and realizing how bad the rising costs over the last 6+ months have hit margins. It’s not a great feeling to need to consider raising prices again, and wonder if the already slow market will slow down more.

And while you’re doing suchlike, a surprise gift like the one arrives, totally lifting your spirits and reminding you why you’re really doing this in the first place, and the numbers will work out, eventually, so don’t worry 🙂


The earth laughs in flowers

Poornima, a guest who had been to Linger at Bavikodla, Gokarna and sketched it while there shared this with us. We’re delighted, amazed, and very touched. This is the other kind of rewards doing Linger has – and keeps us determined to keep going.

“‘The earth laughs in flowers‘ and so shall you…the mystical flower power, so petite fragile yet so vibrant and colourful! Doodle trip — with Anita in Gokarn, Karnataka. made this picture during my stay at Bavikodla with my sister. It was wonderful thank you.”

Poornima – thank you! For making our day, and making it easier for us to ride over the bumps and still enjoy the journey. See you Lingering soon again….