Team Offsites at Linger : A Better Connect

We just got this review – made our day 🙂

Great place for off-sites

16 of us were at Linger for 5 days for a team offsite – and it was a brilliant experience.

The setting is beautiful, natural – complete with fireflies and the chorus of the jungle insects.

The place is simple & basic – so do not go in expecting luxury.
The food was amazing, and the service was fantastic – we were served tea, coffee, lemon tea based on our preferences that the staff remembered on-time, just when we needed it (without even asking)!

Thanks, team Udhyam Learning Foundation. We loved it that you loved it!

We’ve hosted small teams every now and then, and it’s quite a nice feeling to see colleagues bond, become friends, and do things together. We believe the fact that we’re not insular, formal “resorts” helps in this process a lot. Also, most teams end up taking the whole space for themselves, and make it home for 3-4 days – that helps too.

If you’re planning to spend some quality time with your team – brainstorming, or celebrating something, or getting to know everyone better – come over. We aren’t about conference rooms and poolside dinners etc – but we’re about a deeper connect, uninterrupted thought and bonding.

At most places we can host about 20-25 people quite easily. The campsites, the farm at Chettimani, Chiguru, Varshini Estate at Sakleshpur, Balur Estate at Chikmagalur and The Earth House at Palampur are particularly well suited for this – with many common spaces, hikes, and undisturbed environs.

Plan a 3-5 day time out with the team for a reboot. We’ll help all the way.

Reservations : or call +91-959-005-0001 or WhatsApp : +91-854-806-5772

Our Valuation. And We Love It.

The startup world is going crazy. Even in the travel space. Mad growth – often with poor service and no soul, crazy valuations, and increasingly unsustainable models, pricing and discounts to drive numbers that justify this frenzy for a little longer.

Can’t deny the pressure doesn’t get to us, despite all the things we hold dear and believe in. But nope, we’re not changing all that.

So we decided to recount our blessings. And realized our valuation comes from all the trust, love shared and the true value that people see in us. Here’s a short list of some of the stuff that’s happened in the past that gives us courage to hold on to our beliefs in this sea of insanity:


PoornimaGokarnaSketch BottlesAtTripThirsty P1130214-Smaller 2015-01-27 17.01.42

One of our regulars helped setup rooms and moved furniture with us!

Someone came back to the same place and got gifts for all the staff there.

Another made a lovely painting.

A guest made and sent us a custom-made calendar as a thank you note after the trip. That was super sweet!

A regular and now our art mentor came and painted a wall at Coorg. Plus lots of gifts.

We regularly get loads of books from folks who’ve been to our places – “for your libraries”.

We get lots and lots and lots of used wine bottles in support of our stand of not using plastic bottles for water.

A regular made a poster for us.


(The awesome capture of what Gokarna is, thanks to Maitri)

Another sends us beautiful poetry regularly.

Folks keep sharing instances of “do nothing” now getting used regularly by others, with a sense of pride about Linger!

We get ideas, connects, advice from all of our guests on a regular basis.

Our guests have been our strongest brand ambassadors, and keep telling other like minded folks they should try out a Linger vacation.

Many, many have become friends now 🙂


We feel blessed, and highly valued by those that really matter. And that is the single most important thing that keeps us going, sticking to the path we’ve picked.

Thanks, all of you. You know who you are.