One of the most amazing ways to spend pleasant, lazy mornings is pretty places is on a bicycle. It keeps the peace, its healthy and helps you breathe in the clean air, it works up an appetite and you get to see a lot more of the place, up close – especially on the smaller trails off the roads. Its also a lovely way to spend some time with your own thoughts, catch up with the local sights, sounds, people and get a good endorphin rush first up in the morning.

Linger destinations are a dream come true for bikers, and we encourage all our guests to do short rides, at least. Chettimani is in an undisturbed area with tarmac, off-roads, and then there’s the Talacauvery climb to challenge most. Balur Estate has 26 kms of jeep roads inside the estate itself – and there’s 2 lakes to find, lots of hills to climb. Both places also offer excellent routes and roads to go do long rides if thats your thing. Our places have bikes now – MTBs – and we’ll be a adding a few more.
If you plan to take your own bikes there for some serious riding, you’ll surely have a lot of fun there. Do let us know if you need to borrow a bike rack. There’s a pump there so you’re all set!
Get on that saddle and ride!